Karrassed is an original series created by Axel Gimenez. Each episode is 100% improvised. All we figure out beforehand is the day, time, and location to meet up. All actions, premises, dialogue, etc., are made up on the spot.
Don't you hate when a random goose eats your dad's ashes?
Maxwell Bank
Torrey Shine
Can a friendship survive a high-flying startup?
Melissa Parker Caron
David Bell
A phone gets between two friends.
Raquel Palmas
Chris Pearson
Love is magical, like a fountain. Right?
Elke Reid
George Walsh
Some dreams should end.
Elke Reid
George Walsh
I think we should see other people.
Elke Reid
George Walsh
Not all doctors are M.D.s.
Kathryn Dunn
Richard Templeton
Axel Gimenez directs episodic+film in various genres, including sci-fi, horror, and the absurd.
I also direct commercials, specializing in comedy and lifestyle.
I like my commercials funny and heartfelt. And my narrative dark. Very dark.
It's like Yin & Yang—Fire & Ice.